The Mentor’s Table is truly a place where and I quote, “Passion meets Purpose”.
As I pause and reflect on the past three (3) years, I am reminded of the goodness of God. Each Monday as we dined at the table, Reverend Hadland read and dissected each poem, each of which was immersed with accompanying scriptures, causing every verse to be transformed into delectable dessert!
My words cannot adequately explain my thoughts, therefore, I am compelled to reference a part of the preface, so divinely expressed by Reverend Sandra Hadland and I quote:
“It identifies with our inmost times of hurt, of pain and of frustration, while offering incites of hope to work through a process that will ultimately guide us into purpose”… “It awakens the subconscious to the truth that, on the road to purpose, trials and tribulations are necessary implementations for the refinement of character!”
What an awakening it was, as each week, layers upon layers of masks were meticulously peeled off, one by one, sometimes unashamedly, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes painfully, sometimes slowly, sometimes reluctantly but inevitably they were being removed, creating the need for deep introspection and self-evaluation of ‘The Naked Truth’ and owning that truth!
Freedom, Freedom!!
Surely these poems had to have been divinely inspired; how else can one explain the intrinsic connection of these poems identifying with each participant?
As the journey continues, without blaming or finger pointing, one must take the wheel and with it, accountability, and responsibility, being aware of every detour, roadblock and of course, other drivers. The choice was made to intentionally accept, appreciate, and understand ‘The Perception of the Bitter Pill’ as ‘Favor of the Divine’ and ‘Be Grateful to Dare to Believe’ that ‘Sacrifice is Eminent to the Reaping of the Harvest’ and accepting the ‘Realization’ of ‘Self-Emancipation’, in order to be ‘Poured Out Like a Cup Overflowing’.
And so, it is with gratitude, love, and appreciation for the deep bond of friendship that was shared and developed from the depth of tears and laughter, highs, and lows, becoming stronger and better from the experience of a book of poems, ‘Transformational Grace.’
To God be the Glory!
The Mentor’s Table has meant a lot to me this past year. It has helped me to realize myself in a new light. I also had the opportunity and privilege to experience God in a new light. I have enjoyed being in the class when I was able to do so. I have enjoyed the sisterhood within my group and the table as well. This year’s theme was ‘Going into the Deep’, and though I did not realize what that would entail, I enjoyed the journey. I am looking forward to the last class since I missed the one last year. I have enjoyed being a part of the Mentor’s Table, and I thank God for Rev. Hadland and her service. I love you all so much.
God Bless Always.
I know that there is nothing new under the sun, but I have been a member of the Mentor’s Table since January 2023: it is a new, unique experience.
The Mentor’s Table allows me to take introspect while the Holy Spirit shines His light of Holiness on my life.
God is rewriting my story while He heals me. I have seen my life transform with each passing week. I have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit, He has spoken, guided, and encouraged me through these poems and messages, Oh! The questions are deep but relevant questions that I am sure someone wanted to ask but was afraid to. NOT AT THE Mentor’s Table – the hard questions are asked, and it is up to me to be transparent so the Mentor can guide me in my spirit to reveal what I didn’t know or have ignored for so long. The Mentor who is Jesus, is healing as He shines His light of holiness.
The Server at the Mentor’s Table is hand-picked by God to serve His body in the person if Rev. Sandra Hadland. She is firm, sincere, compassionate, and warm with a gentle smile, all while fulfilling a mandate given to her by God.
Thank you for your continued obedience, Rev. Hadland.
Thank you to the Mentor Himself, Jesus Christ.
Transforming by your grace.
I have been a participant of the Mentor’s Table since its inception. The teaching is phenomenal. It helps us to see ourselves in our relationship with God!!!!! We are being set free because of the truth we are learning!!!
I have learned during 2023 at the Mentor’s Table to be more diligent about where I stand and to hold myself accountable for the choices I will make moving forward. I am in the world to only work on myself and not others.
I give God thanks and praise for inspiring Rev. Sandra Hadland to author the book of poems called Transformational Grace. Rev. Hadland then started The Mentor’s Table using one of the thirty poems as a weekly biblically sound teaching with a 30-minute breakout room. The breakout room sessions were intense, causing me to do soul searching and to examine myself concerning my decisions. It also gave me an opportunity to make new friends and see the perspective of other people, an opportunity to grow spiritually.
I came to this group as an introvert yet a survivor, after suffering decades of Verbal, Mental, Emotional and Financial Abuse. The breakout room was a challenge in the beginning but became easier as we bonded and there is now a comradery there.
I have found Rev. Hadland to be compassionate, a true servant leader who leads by example, who sets a standard for everyone to follow.
In the 26 months that I have known Rev. Hadland, she has been nurturing as I have tried to normalize my life.
- Two months after joining in 2021 my son died, this Group, Rev. Hadland and the Prayer Intercessors called and prayed for me, sending flowers.
- Then in December 2021, I was hospitalized with COVID for a month. Again, The Mentor’s Table was there for me, during my recovery, encouraging me when I wanted to quit in January 2022.
- In recent times during year 2023, I lost my Passport and Voters Card and was told that the process would take six to eight weeks, but it took two weeks. “Walking by faith and not by sight” works. Praise the Lord!
- Despite the obstacles, I travelled to The Mentor’s Table Celebration. My ticket was gotten before I got my passport, only through God’s grace and mercy. So many prayers.
- Despite transportation issues I was able to get my passport in one week.
- I have gotten a replacement Voters Card.
- With the help of a sister from this group, my police record was applied for and picked up.
- My last trip was in October 2014, so I was overjoyed to be able to travel to this celebration and even more thankful to those who have assisted me along the way to make this possible.
As I reflected on the thirty poems, these are the ones that remind me of my life:
- “God Has Heard My Cry for Help”
- “ Life is a Journey”
- “Perception of the Bitter Pill”
- “Born to be Free but Living in a Cage”
- “Sacrifice is Eminent to Reaping a Harvest”
I pray to God to have the perseverance and endurance to be more focused and intentional in my sessions this coming year in the theme “WALK WITH ME.”
I thank God for Rev. Hadland, the Prayer Intercessors and my sisters of the Mentor’s Table Incorporated, for providing a safe place for me to be amid my storms, trials, and tribulations.
Upon joining the Mentor’s Table October 2021, I was at a place in my life where I needed help in starting in the right direction. At that time, my life was filled with coping with death, disaster, and disappointments. I felt alone as if God had let my hand go. But these trials came to make me stronger than before.
The Mentor’s Table and my small group discussions helped me to realize it wasn’t only me. God was preparing me for a time to seek Him more, to love on Him more to embrace the help He had sent my way through the Mentor’s Table. I have learnt to forgive and let go and let God do what He does. I have seen God’s miracles firsthand
These things are what keep me online on Mondays to seek what else God has in store for my life.
The Mentor’s Table has given me renewed purpose and I no longer see myself as a victim but a victor, now realizing that I had to go through what I did, in order to be where I’m at now…
I left the celebration knowing that this was only the beginning of my walk with Christ, His plan for me and how I should strive to live as one who loves the Lord.
The Mentor’s Table in cycle three has brought me to a place of deeper introspection. I would almost consider it to be a lifeline as I have come to the realization that I am quite capable of speaking the Word of God, but the real-life application has fallen short. I tend to lean to my own understanding rather than trusting God. With each session, poem and lecture God has kept me focused on my relationship with Him, or the apparent lack thereof. This to me is a stinging truth, yet one that needs to be addressed to “go out into the deep.” And one that I am profoundly grateful to have the opportunity to work on.
Right from the start, Reverend Hadland gave an analogy and used a visual teaching tool of a puzzle and the numerous pieces of the puzzle. Her explanation and my response to it would be foundational for me with the ensuing thirty weeks, including the three bootcamps. I placed myself at the center of the puzzle. This is not surprising to me, based on my need to control outcomes, get ahead of the Holy Spirit in my walk, my need to know what lies ahead, and even to the point of wanting to control how I live and when I die. Sounds funny, but truth be told, this is how I have lived my life.
What follows over the course of the thirty weeks is the Realization that I am not in control. While each of the poems build upon the preceding one, and I am enamored by “The Source,” this year poem #12 “Realization” resonates with me. As Reverend Hadland explained, life is lived in reality, in fantasy, or in denial, and while I have rested in the fantasy of being in control and the denial that I could possibly control outcomes, I am learning that faith in Christ, continually, daily, living by faith until proven genuine is the way to live. God is with me even in the storm and beyond it. The opportunity presented itself to put this into practice, when in January I experienced an episode that led me to the emergency room, with health concerns that I thought I had put behind me. I allowed anxiety to operate in my life. To this day I am learning that my perspective needs to be, and what I desire it to be is that of Christ, yielding all to Him, moving fear and anxiety out of the way, along with my five senses. I find myself being reminded to move out of the head thinking and allow it to be converted to heart thinking where I may live experientially in relationship with God. Resolved to the journey of a life in Christ.
This cycle there were three bootcamps with each one packing a spiritual punch. What I came to see is that we are spirit beings living in a body, and that the spirit is to rule over the flesh. The first bootcamp “The Fullness/The Source” set the pace for what would follow. In this I learned how important my thoughts, words and deeds are, and once again pointing me to look to the real Source of my life, the Triune God. With bootcamp number two, My Real Identity, Reverend Hadland shared about the mind, the seat of thoughts where seeds are planted and are allowed to germinate, and I either intercourse with good or evil, yet above all, I can make the choice to reflect God or not. Lastly, with bootcamp number three, The Healing River, I see the need to create capacity by getting rid of that which does not belong, from thoughts, to clutter, to go deeper in the depths of God. By my not dealing with past hurts is to live my life as a performance to gain acceptance, truly an ‘eye-opener’, thus I am not being in the genuine purpose for which I am created. My being transparent starts the process to let go, forgive, and heal, thereby getting rid of the junk, to make room to grow.
This year has been an all-out desire of recklessly abandoning myself to God, trusting Him and allowing Him to be at the center of my life, while being intentional about the process of healing. I have found myself speaking up and doing so first when we reconvened at the table for reporting, although those in my breakout room would prefer that I wait and go second or even third.
It has been a season of transparency with myself, answering questions honestly and not what I think others would want to hear, and to take a risk even when I am unable to control the process that follows. At times it has been fearful, and others frustrating, but, most of all, it has been and continues to be a time to grow, to live my life from God’s perspective, and to be resolved to the journey.
As I am writing, I realized this could only have come at this time meaning tonight. To GOD BE THE GLORY!!
Since I was released from Mount Sanai Hospital after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (Cancer) I would often wonder, what is my next step, meaning, am I going to die or live ? I was devastated when I thought about dying (for me the diagnosis was instant death at the time).
I often had this feeling that I was empty, and I needed to be filled. I was always questioning my purpose. The thing that kept coming up was, I needed to fix my relationship, but then I kept remembering that I had promised God that if He had healed me, I would be His. And that I could not serve two masters. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Looking back, I genuinely believed it was the Holy Spirit at work.
I really became engulfed in wanting more for myself and wanted to live right.
(Some may say that I only felt this way because of my recent diagnosis, but I would say, if not then, when?) There is always good in trying to live a better life, while we have life and can put in the work. I believe the goal in life is to surrender to Christ. Totally, no compromising. Even though my life was not an example of this, I still believed this is what God wanted me to do.
I began to experience moments when something would have me dancing and praising God (surprising myself) and this feeling of gratitude would have me just going beyond, examples: being kinder; not judging; considering people’s feelings; wanting to help mentally or physically; not being selfish; wanting to worship God wholeheartedly; believing that my healing was coming; not knowing at that time that it was God’s hand on me; and that I was healed. He was calling me. There were times when I was sooo depressed, I was beginning to hold myself accountable for my actions.
Fast forward: I was experiencing troubled times at home; at that time, I was living with my significant other. He had decided that we should go our separate ways, which I took extremely hard at that time, right then, I knew it was God, even though a part of me wanted companionship, not wanting to be alone. God was getting ready to turn my life around, but I didn’t trust or have faith enough at that time to believe that I would end up better, happier and healthier, but a part of me knew I had to trust God enough to park my things and take that leap of faith and leave (while a part of me wanted my SO to say stay and that we could work things out) knowing that God had plans for me. Plans to heal me and help me, not to harm me. I had to move. I moved.
Well, I can testify that God showed up, in time and handled my business . He gave me a sound and a peace of mind. Sister, I thought that I would have lost my mind but guess what! He continues to be my Comforter to this day. Why? Because I have this friend, who I call on especially for prayers and she would always tell me about this group she joined and how she wished that I could join it as well because being a part of that group for her was kind of life changing…Can I testify that shortly after that I was welcomed to this group of beautiful, non-judgmental, non-perfect, considerate and kind but yet stern group of women willing to stand non scripted before the throne and allow God to lead and be totally in control of their lives while open to leaning more on God and allowing the Mentor’s Table to mentor.
Listen, I am beginning to understand the God that I serve and what He wants from me and can give me since I started at The Mentor’s Table. I have learnt how to show and give mercy and realize that I need mercy as well. I am learning how to grow my faith and stand on His word. How to hold myself accountable and how my life should align with God’s word. The Mentor’s Table helps me to put the pieces together. What I was going through and what I am going through, leading up to this moment has been designed from day one by God. I will forever trust His plan. Now I am understanding God’s assignment for me. There is a different ‘dance’, different ‘walk’ and different ‘talk’ that I do after I became a part of this group.
It is a daily walk for me but with God by my side and having the Mentor’s Table as one of my biggest villages, I trust that, no I am certain that if I put God first, He will enlarge my territory. By no means at all, do I believe issues and problems will not come, but I do believe that with God’s help, I shall be able to weather any storm, if only I can pass these tests, because I know that, that’s exactly what they are. Placing them at the cross and leaving them there (even though sometimes it’s a battle or I find myself trying to fix it) is His request.
I want all that the Father has promised me for my children, my family, and all who I come into contact with.
I cannot possibly imagine where I would be if it had not been for God’s Grace and The Mentor’s Table.
- He is still working on me Working on me, God is truly working on me…
I have had the opportunity to attend the Mentor’s Table Celebration not knowing what to expect but coming in with an open heart.
Listen, can I say that God moved in that place and through me? The fellowship, the praises, the environment all aligned with the Table’s teaching! I saw God move and the shy me came out my shell, because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by surrendering all to God…
This is my third term of Mentor’s Table, and I am blessed to be here among you, and to share my testimony with you today. I started to recall my faith journey from last year and there are two key learnings or realizations I want to share and testify about. Both testimonials manifested through two poems I read as part of our Mentor’s Table workshop.
First testimonial is the realization of God’s overflowing Grace and Mercy through the choices I made. This hit home for me through the poem “Make A Choice”. The poem made me realize that I make choices every day. From low impact decisions to larger impact ones with the possibility of impacting my life, my faith journey and creating a ripple effect on my immediate family members. As a believer I like to say that I always prayerfully consider decisions before I make them, but I will admit there are some decisions I have made based on my own earthly desires. Today, I am here to testify that in those earthly desired decision, God does not punish me, but His Grace and Mercy carry me through the negative consequences from those decisions. He always meets me where I am and leads me back to Him. I am surrounded by Amazing Grace and Love that will never let go of me – this is also true for you, as His believers. To God be the glory.
My second testimonial is through the reading of the poem “Who Am I?”, it is an extension of the first testimony with follow up action. I was made in the image and likeness of God. I am made to reflect the nature of God – through my thoughts, speech, and actions. I am so blessed and treasured beyond measure, not because I have the most faith, or the best follower but by His never-ending love and grace! God was willing to sacrifice His only Son to die on the cross for my sin. I am speechless and in awe of His amazing love. I want to spend the rest of my life, holding my head high as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
This desire had made me think of my early life when I was first introduced to the church and Christianity. At the time, church was a fun place where everyone was nice, I got to sing and make new friends. I was baptized when I was 13 and I have been taking communion once a month since then. I thought I knew of God, and I have studied the Bible. Even then, I know I am not the perfect or best Christian, but I was okay with mediocre. Ten years ago, in 2013, I truly accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Master during the altar call of the revival conference.
My life has changed since then, I am still not the best Christian, but I am no longer okay with being the mediocre. I want to know Him more, grow closer to Him, led by Him in my thoughts, actions, and day to day living! Since I was saved, I have been struggling with the way I was baptized, this struggle always re-surfaces every time I hear preaching or teaching about the meaning of baptism. I want to be baptized because I am called and confirmed by the Holy Spirit and because I ‘believe’ in Him, and I am saved by His love. Because of this I will be baptized again this weekend with renewed faith and calling.
This year’s theme “Going into the Deep”, and Rev. Hadland’s question for us is “How deep are you willing to jump to know He is there to catch you?”
For me, in this faith journey, I am learning day-by-day to have more faith, lean on His mighty hand and let go of my comfort zone or lines. I am truly blessed to have all of you as part of my fellow travelers in this journey.
May God bless you all.
After going through the book “Transformational Grace” and experiencing the Mentor’s Table for the third year, one would say “what more can you get out of it?”
Well let me say that each year brought about a new perspective and meaning that allowed me to grow closer to God. This year was no different – Going into the Deep.
I thank God for Rev. Hadland and her persistence in dragging us into the deep. As much as I probably didn’t want to go there, I concluded that for there to be growth, there had to be this kind of weeding out of all that is not good, those things hindering and keeping us back from experiencing God’s true transformational grace, so we had no other choice but to jump in and go deep.
I understood and sometimes not, the questions Rev. Hadland posed at the end of each section. Often, I left the table pondering trying to grasp what the Lord was putting on my mind and heart, challenging me to go deeper. I thank God for those in my breakout room, Georgia, Li Ling, Karen, Garnell, and Emille who had patience with me and always gave encouraging words as they tried to help me navigate, when possible, through the sessions.
My journey over the years has been incredibly challenging at times, especially my health and finances, but through it all I will be forever grateful to God for His faithfulness. He has been so good to me. I am also grateful to God for placing Rev. Hadland and this book in my life for this part of my journey. I am learning to trust God more, understanding that He is always with me and wants the best for me. I just need to surrender to His Will Always. I will therefore continue to find joy in each circumstance of the journey, because I know this is building my character and I desire to be that person that God can truly trust and count on to do whatever He has called me to do.
Currently, I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to our humble server of the Mentor’s Table, Rev. Sandra Hadland, and her faithful prayer warrior team.
The teaching by Rev. Hadland from her poems, related scriptures, her interpretation/explanation, and assignments given after each session have given me a new perspective on the way I view things. I am beginning to view people, situations, and my thoughts differently as I go through my daily journey. I respect and am extremely grateful that this woman of God in her direct and matter-of-fact manner. She doesn’t tell us what we want to hear but, what we need to hear and know, using the Word of God.
My Rose Bush has been a constant reminder of the areas that I struggle with, areas less threatening to me now, and areas in which I am a work of progress. The questions that arose from the poems: “Who Am I,” “Emancipated,” and “Sacrifice Is Eminent to Reap the Harvest”, left me with much food for thought. Do I believe and trust scriptures such as: Matthew 6:26-27, 1 Peter 5:7-10 and
Matthew 11:28-30? I know that I have to make some choices, no more lukewarm but, fully sold out for and to Christ, so that His good and perfect will can be performed in my life for His service. I must step aside, move out of my comfort zone, let go of my fears to allow for total dependency and commitment to Christ, if I say He is my Lord and Savior. I must learn how to exercise my Faith.
The three Boot Camps were enlightening, educational and informative.
Boot Camp #1, “The Source: The Fullness”, which focused on The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) was in some areas a teaching I had never heard before. Understanding the roles each one plays and how the believer should approach and respond to who the Triune God is, was a revelation.
Boot Camp #2, My Real Identity: Who Am I? For me, this session led to a time of introspection. It was reinforced that if we do not have the indwelling Holy Spirit in our lives, we are walking in darkness. This should never be the plight of the believer in Christ as once we place faith in God, we receive the Holy Spirit.
Booth Camp #3, “The Healing River.” I understood from this session that my healing is tied to 2 Peter 1: 1-11, with a focus on verses 3-4 which states: “3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to His own glory and excellence, 4 by which He has, granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire”. (ESV)
I realize that I must be intentional in relinquishing every aspect of my being, life situations and fears to the Lord. I must stop holding back or holding on. If Jesus is my Lord and Savior, I must allow Him to be who He is and take Him at His Word and Promises. His word states in Psalm 84:11, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord bestows grace and favor and honor; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (AMP)
The Mentor’s Table is truly a safe place where you can be transparent by removing the mask. As we are open and honest with each other the Holy Spirit always takes control.
The scriptures and lectures shared each week are always enlightening and life changing. As I reflect, I continue to receive clarity and knowledge on how to apply them to my daily life.
I have found that I am able to identify with each of the poems. Thank you, Rev. Hadland for your obedience to the Holy Spirit in sharing your life’s experiences through your book of poems “Transformational Grace.”
My life has truly been transformed through the weekly sessions coupled with the Boot Camps and Rose Bush.
Thank you, Holy Spirit for your footprints.
The Mentor’s Table is a safe, wonderful place led by the amazing Reverend Hadland, where I can speak and share openly from my mind without the need to control or be careful of what I might say wrong or getting judged, and at the same time, I can also learn from all the sisters about how great our Father is in their lives too. Each week, I get to know the purpose of His glory, His promises, and blessings, to grow stronger in my spiritual life through Reverend Hadland, my wonderful server, great mentor, and spiritual mother.
The meaning of each poem is so deep that I could not understand them the first-time reading. I always need several readings together with the overviews, then I can relate to my own life experiences and circumstances. And even better after Reverend Hadland does line by line explanations, it gets much easier and clearer to understand, and I can directly feel and relate to my feelings through all these poems.
Every single scripture always speaks directly to me. All the poems highlight that I need to be intentional about ‘lifting up a standard unto the Lord’. Intentionality, on the other hand, involves making a daily choice to glorify God through my life. God’s version of intentionality gives me purpose and direction. It eliminates the need for striving. I simply follow Him and walk according to His will. I have identified that I need to be authentic. I must stop living and acting like the flesh of the world, but to honor Jesus Christ in every facet of my life. God cannot work on me if I am hiding behind or putting on a mask. I must be transparent in front of the Lord. I need an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is always in charge, and He will always lead me. God is not working on my plan; He will only work when my plan lines up with Him. It requires a deeper relationship with God to identify what God has placed in me and in my life. I must stop struggling unnecessarily and trying to manipulate God to fit into my ‘mold’ of what I want. I must reassure myself that God knows, and He will fix things for me. I should not allow my flesh to overrule my plan or to change the purpose of God for me. There must be an accountability system in place for me. God wants me to be under the water and He wants me to breathe through His lungs only. God is working on me to have a different mindset, and this is called going into the deep. All these sessions of Transformational Grace made me understand and see all the unnecessary issues that blocked me for years. I have been living in my past and was not able to move on.
It has now been healed. I am now a completely changed person, physically, spiritually, and psychologically. I stop rushing to do things, I start asking and talking to Him, waiting patiently for His answer, confirmation, and guidance. Also, no more worry or panic in life because I know the Holy Spirit is always with me, He is in charge, everything is well aligned, well planned and nicely under control. Every time there are difficulties or tough situations to face, I feel so calm knowing that the Holy Spirit will guide me through to solve them smoothly, easily, and successfully for me. I become more patient, calmer, more self-giving and less anxious about things that are beyond my control. I do not operate with my own emotions or will anymore. When I face a difficult situation, I identify and own the problem; I pray, prepare to trust God, and accept His decision. I stop saying I cannot anymore.
The footprints of the Holy Spirit led me to understand that I must respect the boundaries of others and I have no right to judge other people no matter what, in Matthew 7:1-5. Love for enemies has nothing to do with how I feel, and everything to do with my obedience to God. Thus, to love your enemy is to obey God’s law with respect to them, in Luke 6:27-28. And, to stop focusing and struggling with all small matters in life, which are not even a problem, and start having obedient, submissive, not being distracted, purposeful and deeper relationships with God.
The three Boot Camps gave me many strong and powerful messages on how to live my life. I have identified highlights of the Boot Camps. God’s perspective is the attitude I am supposed to be taking or acting out in life, in any situation. Always do things with love, especially when dealing with non-believers. Lift up the standard and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me, to lead me throughout when reaching out to people. If I voluntarily allow God to break me from my soulish nature, if I agree, God allows me to be totally submissive as I let the Holy Spirit lead and break, bruise and roast my soulish nature, if it is the place where the Lord meets me, true worship will be born in every area in my life. Throughout everything holding me in bondage, not available to God, I must throw away everything, give God the right to clear out, creating depth for capacity. Only in the deep, I can catch fish. I cannot catch fish in shallow water.
The final Boot Camp helped me to remove the obstacles so that The Holy Spirit could work on me. The Holy Spirit wants me to forgive the people who hurt me. This brings relief and releases me out of my pain and my scars are cured.
Jesus is the resurrection, He is calling me to receive and accept healing in every area of my life.
This is no accident that I was placed at the Mentor’s Table. I want to specially thank my beloved friend Li Ling for introducing me and bringing me to the table. Thank you Reverend Hadland for accepting and welcoming me to the table and thank you to my breakout room sisters for all my whole new level of spiritual growth experiences throughout week after week. I also want to thank all the sisters for sharing their life journeys, experiences and the amazing work God has done in each of their lives. Blessings to you all.
I knew it was going to be a tough year at the start of 2023 because I had many hard choices to make and things to do throughout the year. It was a year where I was simultaneously challenged on multiple dimensions, the layers were pealed back, and I had to be honest with myself and vulnerable before God. With the help of the Mentor’s Table, the poems, scriptures, and small group discussions I had to confront the fact that my faith was not as strong as I thought it was, I was fearful, and often relied on fact and what I could see, instead of God’s promises.
The Mentor’s Table focus on “Going into the Deep” was a blessing. Many of the lessons paralleled the challenges I faced. The testimonies and openness of the sisters helped me as I sought to let God’s will be done. Over the months, I learned what it meant to truly let go and let God…to praise Him and live in a state of praise without knowing the outcome. I learned to listen to His voice, to trust Him even when logic and the facts suggested otherwise, and through everything I faced I saw God pour His blessings out on me.
Over these past few months, it became real to me that God is always on time, He can do the impossible and make something out of nothing. All He asks is for me to surrender my imperfect faith to Him.
With the benefit of two years at the table, walking by faith through a pandemic, 2023 represents a deep dive for me. The Mentor’s Table Workshops and Boot Camps were deeper and richer. One highlight was getting a clearer picture of who God is in essence and understanding the roles of the ‘Three in One’ God. I saw my need for richer and deeper intimacy with my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
This was my third year having the privilege of leading a breakout room. The questions required deep soul-searching. There were never simply yes or no answers. Special thanks to my group for your cooperation and for putting up with my insistence to dig deeper. Weekly reporting sharpened my listening, verbal and writing skills.
The follow-up portions helped me to deal with messy matters including multiple layers of clutter. This year I got a breakthrough and tackled the ugly, disgusting areas which were erstwhile avoided. I delved into the realm of removing physical, emotional, and mental clutter. Clearing the rooms at all these levels has brought me to a new level of clarity, focus and determination to continue living for Christ.
No longer strangled and overwhelmed by taking on too much. I am further along.
I am so much lighter, richer, and more effective. The Holy Spirit has liberated me and restored my creativity. I exercised the power of saying no. I thank God for teaching me that lightening my load, committing to self-care, and scaling back. Delegating more has freed me up to be in a healthier place. The power of ‘no’ has been so enlightening and liberating.
To all participants, your powerful testimonies have enriched my life! To the intercessors and worship team, you are doing magnificent work for the kingdom. Keep on!
I thank Rev. Hadland for continuing to allow the Holy Spirit to use her to serve up such scrumptious helpings again, for these past thirty weeks. I have seen God putting together so many pieces in the puzzle of my life and showing me how I fit into His masterpiece for kingdom building.
Being awarded for perfect attendance at the 2023 celebration was the icing on the cake. Only God! I am so expectant to see what He will do next!
“What the Mentor’s Table Means to Me”
Monday, January 25, 2021, was my first introduction to the Mentor’ Table. The poem was, “The Beauty of a Rose.” I was fortunate enough to attend both Boot Camps that semester and was grateful that I was able to also attend the celebration. The Mentor’s Table semester 2022, unfortunately, I was unable to attend or function to participate in any of the activities, because I was ill.
I know that the Intercessors were praying for my recovery. In September 2022, I spoke to myself while looking in the mirror, saying that “ I am tired of being sick and if I have to patch myself up, I am going to church.” I did just that! Slowly but surely, I began to get stronger daily. Thanks be to God on New Year’s Eve 2022, Rev. Hadland called as she usually does from time to time, checking up on me. She asked if I had registered for the Mentor’s Table and I said no, she replied that I must be there, and I said OKAY. January 9, 2023, I was present and early for the new semester. This experience of “Going into the Deep” has been an experience that words cannot comprehend but I will try to explain as best as I can.
The poems all took on another format, the lectures we had and mind exposures, I really had to dig deep down inside and go way into my subconscious to answer questions – it was going into the deep. Poem ”Emancipation”, July 3, 2023, I was think, Oh this a happy one, but with the lecture when Rev. Hadland stated that yes, we had received Jesus as our Savior but because of not giving up temporal things; by not acknowledging the Holy Spirit who will help us to get rid of these stuff, therefore, these things are holding us in bondage, so we are not Emancipated! I was there pondering, Lord will I ever be able to get it right? The answer then was, it is not an easy thing to overcome, but it is a process that must be dealt with in daily submission to God.
This Mentor’s Table has helped me to mature so much. I am not taking things just as they are said or as I see them. Instead, I have allowed the Holy Spirit into my life to guide me, so I am amazed at myself. I have become more vocal, bold, and looking at things from another angle. I am also more compassionate and more understanding of God’s words. I thank God for my sisters in the breakout room, which was led by Terry Dwyer. We share a fellowship that is so unique, and we challenge and encourage each other to press on. Thank you, Terry, and my sisters in Room 4. Rev. Hadland I appreciate and thank you for being my spiritual mother guiding me in the path that I should go. At present, I am still taking the oral treatment, but I continue to feel better, and I am getting stronger. Thank You Intercessors – Prayer works!
As I continued to walk life’s journey, I realized that the Mentor’s Table has been at the forefront of my life. This is my third year on the Table and each year I have gained more knowledge about who I am and what God means to me.
I have been able to apply the teachings from Rev. Hadland to recognize my weaknesses and those dark places that I would like to put behind me. However, it has opened the door to healing, understanding, and self-love. The teachings have shown me that with my faith in our Heavenly Father and giving it all to Him, nothing is impossible.
I have learned to be consistent in my prayer, worship, and belief, to depend on the Holy Spirit for all things. I am continuing to remove the junk that weighs me down and at the same time, being patient. The Poems of Transformational Grace have spoken to me each week and have shown me that I cannot hide from my shortcomings. While working on those tough areas, God has given me strength and wisdom to help me grow.
The journey of my life continues to be uncomfortable at times, but each trial is a testimony for me to be a better woman and to take a closer look at myself spiritually, mentally, and physically.
I have always said that God is bigger than any of my obstacles. He is always there to support me in the resolution of my problems by comforting me during all my hurt and pain. And, lastly, I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor and my hard work which are God’s blessings, as I live each day.
Thank you, Rev. Hadland for your teachings, and spiritual guidance. You are always available for consultation. I continually thank God for you because of His Grace given to you in Christ Jesus.
Thanks to my breakout room sisters, your sweet spirit made it easier to be able to share my experiences.
2023 marks my third year at The Mentor’s Table and I am still in awe of how much I have learned and grown …. “Why is it, you ask?”
The Mentor’s Table is revolutionary! After 3 years, it still brings a renewed perspective every time I attend the weekly zoom calls. It has become a sacred place among Christian women where we can discuss the fullness of God through readings, sermons, and fellowship. At every weekly session, God shows up, revealing His perfect will for our lives in and through the readings captivated in Transformational Grace.
What I enjoy most about the book, is no matter how many times I read it, I take away a unique perspective/teaching each time. It showers me with God’s wisdom through cited Bible verses captured throughout, while I gain a deeper understanding of God’s grace and purpose for my life through the chat sessions. At times, I leave our two-hour calls with a knowing that “It is well with my soul”. I enjoy our time where we create relationships through our fellowship with one another.
Reverend Sandra Hadland has dedicated her life to God, which is captured in Transformational Grace, a book of inspiring anthology of poems written by and based on her life, to inspire hope and bring everlasting change to those who read it. I also value listening to Reverend Hadland’s deliberate writings and spiritual guidance and Godly wisdom. I find myself relating to what she imparts to me, as well as to each woman at the table. It is a time to share feelings and testimonies of how good God is and the impact The Mentor’s Table has been on my life and the lives of other women.
This year’s Mentor’s Table allowed me to go DEEP and surrender myself unto the Lord so that He could bring me through “more challenging” storms and trials, pains and disappointments. A journey that allowed me to fully “Let Go and Trust God” while He releases His Love and Grace into “unchartered” areas in my life. Areas storing the greatest trials, pain, and spiritual tests. This year was extremely hard as I took highs/lows, while releasing my fears aside, and fully trusting God as I press on. going deeper and deeper, believing I will be reformed in God’s image. Those thirty weeks inspired me to keep my eyes on God despite how I felt in my circumstances…
Long after each series ends from a thirty-week run, I still apply teachings and testimonies shared at The Mentor’s Table. We all struggle and seek comfort at the Table. During our sessions together, we are encouraged and uplifted as we read and reflect on experiences shared in Transformational Grace, guiding us to a deeper meaning that shows us His ways are greater than we can ever ask for. Seeing how wonderful His transforming work impacts my life.
To God be the Glory for the Mentor’s Table, a place to bring out God’s best in every one of us. I will always reflect and share the lessons learned, the wisdom gained, and memories shared at The Mentor’s Table.
I can attest, you will also gain a deeper perspective and meaning to life as you come and dine with God at The Mentor’s Table.